Bad habit

(but I just cant let you go no..)
And I hate that I love you so
And I hate that I love you so.. soo.....
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And I hate that I love you so
And I hate that I love you so.. soo.....
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Tips mudah mencipta duit
1 . Pemasaran affilite
Pemasaran affilite ini adalah cara buat duit di internet yang lansung tidak menggunakan modal . Kita hanya perlu mempromosikan dan memasarkan produk - produk yang telah siap untuk dijual contohnya seperti e - book . Namun begitu , kita haruslah pandai memilih produk - produk yang ingin disertai kerana terdapat beratus - ratus produk di pasaran . Ganjaran bagi program affiliate ini biasanya akan diberikan dalam bentuk komisyen bergantung kepada jualan yang dibuat oleh seseorang peserta itu . Untuk melariskan produk yang anda promosikan itu , mungkin anda boleh menawarkan perkhidmatan ataupun hadiah percuma sebagai saguhati kepada barang yanag akan dibeli .
2 . Menjual barang - barang samada yang baru ataupun terpakai
Kaedah ini melibatkan promosi untuk anda menjual barangan peribadi anda ataupun barangan lain kepada pengguna secara online . Selain menjimatkan kos , pengguna juga akan lebih pantas mendapat maklumat tentang barang yang anda jual melalui internet .
Contohnya adalah melalui . Anda juga boleh mempromosikan barangan yang ingin anda jual melalui laman web sosial seperti freindster , facebook , Myspace dan sebagainya .
3 . Menjual e - book
Penjualan e - book memang tidak dapat dinafikan mendatangkan untung yang lumayan jika maklumat yang disampaikan didalam e - book itu memenuhi kehendak dan citarasa pengguna . Justeru itu , seseorang yang ingin menceburi bidang penulisan e - book harusah membuat kajian tentang maklumat yang paling tinggi diinginkan oleh pengguna dan cuba menterjemahkan maklumat itu kedalam bentuk yang lebih mudah dan cepat seperti e - book .
4 . Menjual Artikel Anda
Jika anda mempunyai minat dalam bidang penulisan, maka tahun 2010 adalah peluang terbaik untuk anda menjual kebanyakkan artikel anda. Anda boleh mula menulis artikel dalam niche yang anda minati dan jual pada blog-blog yang bersesuaian. Saya sarankan agar anda menawarkan harga dalam bentuk pakej seperti RM10 untuk 10 artikel.
Artikel yang ditulis tidak perlu terlampau panjang kerana para pembaca jarang meluangkan masa mereka terlalu lama untuk membaca artikel anda. Dengan kata lain, cukuplah sekadar ia dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan dan mendidik pembaca.
Pastikan anda menghubungi tuan empunya blog dengan cara yang beretika. Jika mereka tidak menerimanya, jangan mudah berputus asa. Sentiasa beringat bahawa “Success does not come overnight”. Teruskan usaha anda.
Pemasaran affilite ini adalah cara buat duit di internet yang lansung tidak menggunakan modal . Kita hanya perlu mempromosikan dan memasarkan produk - produk yang telah siap untuk dijual contohnya seperti e - book . Namun begitu , kita haruslah pandai memilih produk - produk yang ingin disertai kerana terdapat beratus - ratus produk di pasaran . Ganjaran bagi program affiliate ini biasanya akan diberikan dalam bentuk komisyen bergantung kepada jualan yang dibuat oleh seseorang peserta itu . Untuk melariskan produk yang anda promosikan itu , mungkin anda boleh menawarkan perkhidmatan ataupun hadiah percuma sebagai saguhati kepada barang yanag akan dibeli .
2 . Menjual barang - barang samada yang baru ataupun terpakai
Kaedah ini melibatkan promosi untuk anda menjual barangan peribadi anda ataupun barangan lain kepada pengguna secara online . Selain menjimatkan kos , pengguna juga akan lebih pantas mendapat maklumat tentang barang yang anda jual melalui internet .
Contohnya adalah melalui . Anda juga boleh mempromosikan barangan yang ingin anda jual melalui laman web sosial seperti freindster , facebook , Myspace dan sebagainya .
3 . Menjual e - book
Penjualan e - book memang tidak dapat dinafikan mendatangkan untung yang lumayan jika maklumat yang disampaikan didalam e - book itu memenuhi kehendak dan citarasa pengguna . Justeru itu , seseorang yang ingin menceburi bidang penulisan e - book harusah membuat kajian tentang maklumat yang paling tinggi diinginkan oleh pengguna dan cuba menterjemahkan maklumat itu kedalam bentuk yang lebih mudah dan cepat seperti e - book .
4 . Menjual Artikel Anda
Jika anda mempunyai minat dalam bidang penulisan, maka tahun 2010 adalah peluang terbaik untuk anda menjual kebanyakkan artikel anda. Anda boleh mula menulis artikel dalam niche yang anda minati dan jual pada blog-blog yang bersesuaian. Saya sarankan agar anda menawarkan harga dalam bentuk pakej seperti RM10 untuk 10 artikel.
Artikel yang ditulis tidak perlu terlampau panjang kerana para pembaca jarang meluangkan masa mereka terlalu lama untuk membaca artikel anda. Dengan kata lain, cukuplah sekadar ia dapat menambah ilmu pengetahuan dan mendidik pembaca.
Pastikan anda menghubungi tuan empunya blog dengan cara yang beretika. Jika mereka tidak menerimanya, jangan mudah berputus asa. Sentiasa beringat bahawa “Success does not come overnight”. Teruskan usaha anda.
Tips komputer
Folder atau file tak boleh delete,rename,move?
Pernah tak anda dapat mesej sebegini ?
Saya pun tak pasti apa yang saya download sebelum ni yang menyebabkan benda ni terjadi. Nak delete tak boleh,rename dan move pun tak boleh.Dah la tu pulak nama folder panjang pulak. Satu masalah juga kalau dapat benda ni.
Salah satu cara paling mudah untuk delete,rename,move atau copy file atau folder ni adalah dengan memasang perisian unlocker. Perisian ini percuma dan saiz 191kb sahaja. Saya tahu memang ada cara lain untuk melakukan proses yang simple ni.Tapi bagi yang mahu jimatkan masa, ikut step berikut :-
• Install Unlocker [Download di sini]
• Klik kanan folder yang ingin di delete, move dsb dan pilih unlocker
• Buat pilihan dan tekan OK.
Habis dah la!
ok kalau ada yang tahu cara lebih mudah atau ada trick istimewa tu boleh la share kat sini. Selamat mencuba !
Pernah tak anda dapat mesej sebegini ?
Saya pun tak pasti apa yang saya download sebelum ni yang menyebabkan benda ni terjadi. Nak delete tak boleh,rename dan move pun tak boleh.Dah la tu pulak nama folder panjang pulak. Satu masalah juga kalau dapat benda ni.
Salah satu cara paling mudah untuk delete,rename,move atau copy file atau folder ni adalah dengan memasang perisian unlocker. Perisian ini percuma dan saiz 191kb sahaja. Saya tahu memang ada cara lain untuk melakukan proses yang simple ni.Tapi bagi yang mahu jimatkan masa, ikut step berikut :-
• Install Unlocker [Download di sini]
• Klik kanan folder yang ingin di delete, move dsb dan pilih unlocker
• Buat pilihan dan tekan OK.
Habis dah la!
ok kalau ada yang tahu cara lebih mudah atau ada trick istimewa tu boleh la share kat sini. Selamat mencuba !
Solat isthikharah
Seseorang yang menghadapi sesuatu soal yang bersifat mudah, sedang ia sendiri masih ragu-ragu mana sebaiknya dilakukan, maka di sunatkan mengerjakan solat yang bukan termasuk wajib.
Solat itu boleh saja di waktu mengerjakan sunat Rawatib atau Tahiyatul-masjid dan boleh pula di waktu malam atau pun siang, sedang bacaan sehabis Al-Fatihah dapat dipilih sekehendaknya.
Niat Solat Istikharah
Sengaja aku mengerjakan sembahyang istikharah dua rakaat kerana Allah Ta'ala
Doa Solat Istikharah
"Ya Allah, saya memohonkan pilihan menurut pengetahuanMu dan memohonkan penetapan dengan kesuasaanMu juga saya memohonkan kurniaMu yang besar, sebab sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang Maha Mengetahui dan saya tidak mengetahui apa-apa. Engkau Maha Mengetahui segala yang ghaib. Ya Allah, jikalau di dalam ilmuMu bahawa urusan saya ini........baik untukku dalam agamaku, kehidupanku serta akibat urusanku, maka takdirkanlah untukku dan mudahkanlah serta berikanlah berkah kepadaku di dalamnya. Sebaliknya jikala di dalam ilmumu bahawa urusan ini buruk untukku, dalam agamaku, kehidupan serta akibat urusanku, maka jauhkanlah hal itu daripadaku dan jauhkanlah aku daripadanya serta takdirkanlah untukku yang baik-baik saja dimana saja adanya, kemudian puaskanlah hatiku dengan takdirMu itu."
Solat itu boleh saja di waktu mengerjakan sunat Rawatib atau Tahiyatul-masjid dan boleh pula di waktu malam atau pun siang, sedang bacaan sehabis Al-Fatihah dapat dipilih sekehendaknya.
Niat Solat Istikharah
Sengaja aku mengerjakan sembahyang istikharah dua rakaat kerana Allah Ta'ala
Doa Solat Istikharah
"Ya Allah, saya memohonkan pilihan menurut pengetahuanMu dan memohonkan penetapan dengan kesuasaanMu juga saya memohonkan kurniaMu yang besar, sebab sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang Maha Mengetahui dan saya tidak mengetahui apa-apa. Engkau Maha Mengetahui segala yang ghaib. Ya Allah, jikalau di dalam ilmuMu bahawa urusan saya ini........baik untukku dalam agamaku, kehidupanku serta akibat urusanku, maka takdirkanlah untukku dan mudahkanlah serta berikanlah berkah kepadaku di dalamnya. Sebaliknya jikala di dalam ilmumu bahawa urusan ini buruk untukku, dalam agamaku, kehidupan serta akibat urusanku, maka jauhkanlah hal itu daripadaku dan jauhkanlah aku daripadanya serta takdirkanlah untukku yang baik-baik saja dimana saja adanya, kemudian puaskanlah hatiku dengan takdirMu itu."
Sex scandal or not Tiger Woods wins US PGA Tour player of the year
PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Florida: Tiger Woods was voted the U.S. PGA Tour player of the year by the players on Friday, the 10th time in his 13 years on tour that he has won the award.
The tour does not disclose vote totals. Woods started and finished the season the same way - with questions when he would return.
He was coming off knee surgery at the beginning of the year, and last week announced an indefinite leave to work on his marriage after admitting to infidelity.
In between, he won six tour events, captured the FedEx Cup and its $10 million bonus, won the money title for the ninth time in his career with over $10.5 million, and had the lowest scoring average for the ninth time.
No one else won more than three times on the U.S. PGA Tour.
It was only the second time that Woods was voted player of the year when he did not win a major.
In a peculiar twist, Woods won in his final start before each of the four majors.
Marc Leishman of Australia was voted tour rookie of the year, becoming the first since Charles Howell III in 2001 to win the award without having won a tournament.
Leishman was the only rookie to reach the FedEx Cup finale at the Tour Championship. Players voted on the awards over the last month, with balloting ending on Friday.
It was the eighth time that Woods has swept all the major U.S. PGA Tour honors - Byron Nelson Award for the lowest adjusted scoring average (68.05), Arnold Palmer Award for the money title and Jack Nicklaus Award for player of the year. - AP
Ryder Cup captain Pavin sees strong Woods return
LONDON: American Ryder Cup captain Corey Pavin predicted Friday that Tiger Woods would be as strong a player as ever when he comes back from his marital turmoil and break from golf.
Woods has admitted that he cheated on his wife and says he has decided to take an indefinite break from the game to try and save his marriage.
"Tiger's obviously a very strong-minded individual and I don't think he will play any differently when he comes back," Pavin said on a visit to London.
"He's come back from injuries and setbacks and done fine."
Pavin, who became the first non-European to receive the British Professional Golfers' Association annual recognition award for services to golf, will lead a U.S. team defending the title at Celtic Manor in Wales from Oct. 1-3 next year.
He did not elaborate on whether Woods, who missed the American triumph at Valhalla last year because of knee problems, would return to the team.
"To not have the best player in the world weakens the team," he said.
"That does not mean we can't win without him because obviously we did last time, but you always want the best player in the world."
Pavin said Woods first had to resolve his marital problems.
"My main concern is for his family. My view of him as a golfer is not going to change at all and my view of him as a human being is not going to change either," Pavin said.
"Everybody makes mistakes. I'm not going to sit here in judgment.
"I just hope things work out for him and Elin. It's obviously an emotional time for him, but I think he's going to be fine."
Meanwhile, former British Open and PGA champion Padraig Harrington, who has also played on three winning European Ryder Cup teams, said he was "amazed" by Woods' admission of infidelity.
Harrington said he regularly stayed in the same hotels as Woods while at tournaments and felt sorry for him because he believed he led a quiet life.
"Most of us would go out to dinner at tournaments but Tiger couldn't go out," the Irishman told Friday's editions of the Irish Independent.
"Living in a goldfish bowl, there was so little he could do and I kind of felt sorry for him in that sense." - AP
A look at the week's developments in the Tiger Woods scandal:
_ The global consulting firm Accenture PLC becomes the first major sponsor to cut ties with Tiger Woods, saying the golfer is "no longer the right representative" for the company. The firm had earlier credited its "Go on, be a Tiger" campaign with raising its profile.
_ Steve Williams, who has caddied for Woods for the last 10 years, tells the Sunday News in New Zealand he had no inkling of the "indiscretions" that forced Woods to take an indefinite leave from golf.
_ Pictures surface on various Web sites of Elin Nordegen pumping fuel at a Florida service station. In the pictures, Woods' wife is not wearing a wedding ring.
_ Swiss watch maker Tag Heuer says it will spend the next few weeks assessing its relationship with Woods as a sponsor.
_ NBA great Charles Barkley says Woods changed his cell phone number the day after his car accident and is not talking to some of his famous friends. Barkley says he hasn't spoken to Woods since the Nov. 27 accident.
_ Sports card maker Upper Deck Co. says it will continue its relationship with Woods.
_ Cameron Percy, the last golfer to play a competitive round with Woods at the Australian PGA Championship, says Woods talked to him on the course about how he used Skype to stay in touch with his wife and children while playing in Australia.
_ Photographers say current pictures of Woods and his wife together would be worth six figures to anyone who took them.
_ Woods is voted Athlete of the Decade by U.S. members of The Associated Press, despite the fallout from his admission of infidelity. Voters say Woods' accomplishments during the last 10 years outweighed the revelations that forced him to take a break from the sport he dominated. Lance Armstrong finishes second, followed by Roger Federer.
_ A Canadian doctor who has treated Woods and other pro athletes is charged by Canadian authorities with selling the unapproved drug Actovegin. Dr. Anthony Galea is charged with conspiracy to import an unapproved drug and smuggling goods into Canada. Galea, who also had human growth hormone in his car when it was stopped in October, treated Woods with a platelet-rich plasma therapy earlier this year to speed his recovery from knee surgery.
_ Los Angeles Lakers forward Ron Artest says he posted an open letter to Woods on his Web site because he believes media coverage of the golfer's troubles has been unfair. Artest calls Woods a role model, but says he has never met him and doesn't want Woods to contact him about his comments.
_ The company building "The Tiger Woods Dubai" golf course and housing development says it remains committed to finishing the first course designed by Woods despite the emirate's cash problems and the scandal involving Woods.
_ The Golf Writers Association of America votes Woods the male player of the year by an overwhelming margin over Steve Stricker, with most of the ballots returned after he became embroiled in the sex scandal. It was the 10th time Woods has won the award in his 13 years as a pro.
_ U.S. PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem said the Woods scandal amounted to the biggest "curveball" he has dealt with in his 15 years on the job. Finchem, though, says golf will survive no matter how long Woods stays away from the game and that a portrait of "gloom and doom" is misleading. Finchem noted six of the tour's highest-performing tournaments have not had Woods in the field during the last several years.
_ British bookmaker William Hill takes bets on how much Elin Nordegren will get if she and Woods divorce. Bettors can get 25-1 odds that Nordegren will receive more than half a billion dollars, with the odds dropping to 6-4 for a settlement under $100 million.
_ Michael Phelps says he feels sorry for Woods and wishes him and his family well. Phelps, who was photographed with a marijuana pipe three months after winning a record eight Olympic golds in Beijing, says he's "the first to admit I've made a lot of mistakes both in and out of the pool."
_ A lawyer for Anthony Galea, the Canadian sports doctor facing drug-related criminal charges, says Woods is not connected to the allegations. The lawyer for Galea says that, although the doctor treated Woods, what he did "does not relate to anything that's alleged before this court."
_ Irish golfer Padraig Harrington says he was "amazed" by Woods' admission of infidelity. Harrington tells the Irish Independent that he always felt sorry for Woods because he couldn't go out to dinner with other players and seemed to have no outside life because he was so famous.
_ Watch maker Tag Heuer cites "recent events" in saying it will not use Woods' image in advertising campaigns in the United States in the near future.
_ The Wall Street Journal reports that one of Woods' alleged mistresses, Mindy Lawton, has been under contract to the London tabloid News of the World and that her agreement with the paper prohibits her from discussing Woods with other media until after this Sunday. Both the Journal and the News of the World are owned by News Corp. - AP
Article source :
The tour does not disclose vote totals. Woods started and finished the season the same way - with questions when he would return.
He was coming off knee surgery at the beginning of the year, and last week announced an indefinite leave to work on his marriage after admitting to infidelity.
In between, he won six tour events, captured the FedEx Cup and its $10 million bonus, won the money title for the ninth time in his career with over $10.5 million, and had the lowest scoring average for the ninth time.
No one else won more than three times on the U.S. PGA Tour.
It was only the second time that Woods was voted player of the year when he did not win a major.
In a peculiar twist, Woods won in his final start before each of the four majors.
Marc Leishman of Australia was voted tour rookie of the year, becoming the first since Charles Howell III in 2001 to win the award without having won a tournament.
Leishman was the only rookie to reach the FedEx Cup finale at the Tour Championship. Players voted on the awards over the last month, with balloting ending on Friday.
It was the eighth time that Woods has swept all the major U.S. PGA Tour honors - Byron Nelson Award for the lowest adjusted scoring average (68.05), Arnold Palmer Award for the money title and Jack Nicklaus Award for player of the year. - AP
Ryder Cup captain Pavin sees strong Woods return
LONDON: American Ryder Cup captain Corey Pavin predicted Friday that Tiger Woods would be as strong a player as ever when he comes back from his marital turmoil and break from golf.
Woods has admitted that he cheated on his wife and says he has decided to take an indefinite break from the game to try and save his marriage.
"Tiger's obviously a very strong-minded individual and I don't think he will play any differently when he comes back," Pavin said on a visit to London.
"He's come back from injuries and setbacks and done fine."
Pavin, who became the first non-European to receive the British Professional Golfers' Association annual recognition award for services to golf, will lead a U.S. team defending the title at Celtic Manor in Wales from Oct. 1-3 next year.
He did not elaborate on whether Woods, who missed the American triumph at Valhalla last year because of knee problems, would return to the team.
"To not have the best player in the world weakens the team," he said.
"That does not mean we can't win without him because obviously we did last time, but you always want the best player in the world."
Pavin said Woods first had to resolve his marital problems.
"My main concern is for his family. My view of him as a golfer is not going to change at all and my view of him as a human being is not going to change either," Pavin said.
"Everybody makes mistakes. I'm not going to sit here in judgment.
"I just hope things work out for him and Elin. It's obviously an emotional time for him, but I think he's going to be fine."
Meanwhile, former British Open and PGA champion Padraig Harrington, who has also played on three winning European Ryder Cup teams, said he was "amazed" by Woods' admission of infidelity.
Harrington said he regularly stayed in the same hotels as Woods while at tournaments and felt sorry for him because he believed he led a quiet life.
"Most of us would go out to dinner at tournaments but Tiger couldn't go out," the Irishman told Friday's editions of the Irish Independent.
"Living in a goldfish bowl, there was so little he could do and I kind of felt sorry for him in that sense." - AP
A look at the week's developments in the Tiger Woods scandal:
_ The global consulting firm Accenture PLC becomes the first major sponsor to cut ties with Tiger Woods, saying the golfer is "no longer the right representative" for the company. The firm had earlier credited its "Go on, be a Tiger" campaign with raising its profile.
_ Steve Williams, who has caddied for Woods for the last 10 years, tells the Sunday News in New Zealand he had no inkling of the "indiscretions" that forced Woods to take an indefinite leave from golf.
_ Pictures surface on various Web sites of Elin Nordegen pumping fuel at a Florida service station. In the pictures, Woods' wife is not wearing a wedding ring.
_ Swiss watch maker Tag Heuer says it will spend the next few weeks assessing its relationship with Woods as a sponsor.
_ NBA great Charles Barkley says Woods changed his cell phone number the day after his car accident and is not talking to some of his famous friends. Barkley says he hasn't spoken to Woods since the Nov. 27 accident.
_ Sports card maker Upper Deck Co. says it will continue its relationship with Woods.
_ Cameron Percy, the last golfer to play a competitive round with Woods at the Australian PGA Championship, says Woods talked to him on the course about how he used Skype to stay in touch with his wife and children while playing in Australia.
_ Photographers say current pictures of Woods and his wife together would be worth six figures to anyone who took them.
_ Woods is voted Athlete of the Decade by U.S. members of The Associated Press, despite the fallout from his admission of infidelity. Voters say Woods' accomplishments during the last 10 years outweighed the revelations that forced him to take a break from the sport he dominated. Lance Armstrong finishes second, followed by Roger Federer.
_ A Canadian doctor who has treated Woods and other pro athletes is charged by Canadian authorities with selling the unapproved drug Actovegin. Dr. Anthony Galea is charged with conspiracy to import an unapproved drug and smuggling goods into Canada. Galea, who also had human growth hormone in his car when it was stopped in October, treated Woods with a platelet-rich plasma therapy earlier this year to speed his recovery from knee surgery.
_ Los Angeles Lakers forward Ron Artest says he posted an open letter to Woods on his Web site because he believes media coverage of the golfer's troubles has been unfair. Artest calls Woods a role model, but says he has never met him and doesn't want Woods to contact him about his comments.
_ The company building "The Tiger Woods Dubai" golf course and housing development says it remains committed to finishing the first course designed by Woods despite the emirate's cash problems and the scandal involving Woods.
_ The Golf Writers Association of America votes Woods the male player of the year by an overwhelming margin over Steve Stricker, with most of the ballots returned after he became embroiled in the sex scandal. It was the 10th time Woods has won the award in his 13 years as a pro.
_ U.S. PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem said the Woods scandal amounted to the biggest "curveball" he has dealt with in his 15 years on the job. Finchem, though, says golf will survive no matter how long Woods stays away from the game and that a portrait of "gloom and doom" is misleading. Finchem noted six of the tour's highest-performing tournaments have not had Woods in the field during the last several years.
_ British bookmaker William Hill takes bets on how much Elin Nordegren will get if she and Woods divorce. Bettors can get 25-1 odds that Nordegren will receive more than half a billion dollars, with the odds dropping to 6-4 for a settlement under $100 million.
_ Michael Phelps says he feels sorry for Woods and wishes him and his family well. Phelps, who was photographed with a marijuana pipe three months after winning a record eight Olympic golds in Beijing, says he's "the first to admit I've made a lot of mistakes both in and out of the pool."
_ A lawyer for Anthony Galea, the Canadian sports doctor facing drug-related criminal charges, says Woods is not connected to the allegations. The lawyer for Galea says that, although the doctor treated Woods, what he did "does not relate to anything that's alleged before this court."
_ Irish golfer Padraig Harrington says he was "amazed" by Woods' admission of infidelity. Harrington tells the Irish Independent that he always felt sorry for Woods because he couldn't go out to dinner with other players and seemed to have no outside life because he was so famous.
_ Watch maker Tag Heuer cites "recent events" in saying it will not use Woods' image in advertising campaigns in the United States in the near future.
_ The Wall Street Journal reports that one of Woods' alleged mistresses, Mindy Lawton, has been under contract to the London tabloid News of the World and that her agreement with the paper prohibits her from discussing Woods with other media until after this Sunday. Both the Journal and the News of the World are owned by News Corp. - AP
Article source :
2012 (film)

2012 is a 2009 disaster film directed by Roland Emmerich. The film stars John Cusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Amanda Peet, Oliver Platt, Danny Glover, Thandie Newton and Woody Harrelson. It was distributed by Columbia Pictures. Filming began in August 2008 in Vancouver.
The film briefly references Mayanism, the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar, and the 2012 phenomenon in its portrayal of cataclysmic events unfolding in the year 2012. Because of solar flare bombardment the Earth's core begins heating up at an unprecedented rate, eventually causing crustal displacement. This results in an onslaught of Doomsday event scenarios plunging the world into chaos, ranging from California falling into the Pacific Ocean, the eruption of the Yellowstone National Park caldera, massive earthquakes, and Megatsunami impacts along every coast line on the Earth. The film centers around an ensemble cast of characters as they narrowly escape multiple catastrophes in an effort to reach ships in the Himalayas, along with scientists and governments of the world who are attempting to save as many lives as they can before the disasters ensue.
The film received mixed to negative reviews, and ran a much criticized viral marketing campaign in the form of the fictional organization Institute for Human Continuity; this entailed a fictitious book written by Jackson Curtis entitled Farewell Atlantis, and streaming media, blog updates and radio broadcasts from the apocalyptic zealot Charlie Frost at his website entitled This Is The End.
In 2009, American geologist Adrian Helmsley meets his friend, Dr Satnam Tsurutani, in India. Satnam has discovered that neutrinos from a massive solar flare are acting as microwave radiation, causing the temperature of the Earth's core to increase rapidly. Adrian informs White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser and US President Thomas Wilson that this will trigger a catastrophic chain of natural disasters. At the G8 summit in 2010, other heads of state and heads of government are made aware of the situation. They begin a massive, secret project intended to ensure the survival of humanity. Approximately 400,000 people are chosen to board a series of ships (called Arks, in reference to Noah's Ark) to be constructed in the Himalayas. The majority of tickets aboard these ships are reserved for notable government officials and selected people, while additional funding for the project is raised by selling tickets to the private sector at the price of €1 billion per person.
In 2012, Jackson Curtis is a writer in Los Angeles who works part-time as a limousine driver for wealthy Russian businessman Yuri Karpov. Jackson's ex-wife Kate and their children Noah and Lily live with her boyfriend, plastic surgeon and amateur pilot Gordon Silberman. Jackson takes Noah and Lily on a camping trip to Yellowstone National Park, where they meet Charlie Frost, a conspiracy theorist living as a hermit and hosting a radio show from the park. Charlie references a theory that suggests the Mayans predicted the world would come to an end in 2012, and claims he has knowledge and a map of a secret "space ship" project. As evidence for his claims, he notes the suspicious deaths of many scientists who attempted to warn the public before information about the catastrophe was de-classified. The family returns home as cracks develop along the San Andreas Fault in California and earthquakes occur in many places along the West Coast. Jackson grows suspicious and rents a plane to rescue his family. He collects his family and Gordon when the Earth's crust displacement begins and they escape Los Angeles as it slides into the Pacific Ocean.
As billions die in cataclysmic earthquakes worldwide (one of which destroys the city of Rio de Janeiro, as evidenced by news footage showing the collapse of the Christ the Redeemer statue), the group flies to Yellowstone to retrieve Charlie's map. The group narrowly escapes as the Yellowstone Caldera erupts. Charlie, who stayed behind to broadcast the eruption, is killed in the blast. Learning the ships are in China, the group lands in Las Vegas, where they meet Yuri, his sons, girlfriend Tamara, and pilot Sasha. They join the group and secure an Antonov An-225, fleeing Las Vegas as it is destroyed. The group flies to China, passing Honolulu as it is incinerated by molten lava. Also bound for the Arks aboard Air Force One are Anheuser, Adrian, and First Daughter Laura Wilson. President Wilson chooses to remain in Washington D.C. to address the world about the coming disasters. After surviving an earthquake that causes the Washington Monument to collapse, Wilson is killed by a megatsunami that sends the capsized USS John F. Kennedy crashing into the White House. With the Vice President also dead and the Speaker of the House missing, Anheuser takes over as acting president. They also learn that the Italian Prime Minister stayed behind in Italy and is soon killed when The Vatican is destroyed in an earthquake.
Arriving in China in a crash-landing that kills Sasha, the group is spotted by helicopters of the Chinese People's Liberation Army. Yuri and his sons, who have tickets, are taken to the ships to be saved, stranding the Curtis family, Gordon, and Tamara, who do not possess tickets. The group is picked up by Nima, a Buddhist monk on the way to the Arks. They sneak into an Ark through its hydraulics chamber with the help of Nima's brother Tenzin, a welder for the project.
Meanwhile, Satnam, in his final moments, calls Adrian to inform him that an uncharted tsunami is engulfing India and heading towards the arks before he perishes. Anheuser orders the arks sealed, trapping thousands outside. Adrian convinces the G8 leaders to let the remaining people board. As the ark's boarding gate is lowered and then raised, Yuri falls to his death while ensuring his two sons board safely, and Gordon falls between the gears and is crushed. A large drill then falls and becomes lodged between the gears, preventing the gate from closing and rendering the ship unable to start its engines.
The tsunami begins flooding the ark, drowning Tamara and setting it adrift. Jackson and Noah free the drill from the closing mechanism. The crew regains control of the ark, preventing a fatal collision with Mount Everest.
When the floodwater from the tsunamis recedes, satellite data shows that Africa's elevation rose in relation to sea level, and the Drakensberg mountains in KwaZulu Natal are now the highest on the planet. The data also reveals that the south pole is now located in Northern Wisconsin, though its orientation (true or magnetic) is unspecified. As three arks set sail for the Cape of Good Hope, Jackson reconciles with his family and Adrian starts a relationship with Laura. The movie ends with a view of the Earth from space, showing a drastically different continental landscape.
The credits cite the bestselling non-fiction book Fingerprints of the Gods by author Graham Hancock as inspiration for the film, and in an interview with the London magazine Time Out Emmerich states: "I always wanted to do a biblical flood movie, but I never felt I had the hook. I first read about the Earth's Crust Displacement Theory in Graham Hancock's Fingerprints of the Gods."
Director Roland Emmerich and composer-producer Harald Kloser co-wrote a spec script titled 2012, which was marketed to major studios in February 2008. Nearly all studios met with Emmerich and his representatives to hear the director's budget projection and story plans, a process that the director had previously gone through with the films Independence Day (1996) and The Day After Tomorrow (2004). Later that month, Sony Pictures Entertainment won the rights for the spec script, planning to distribute it under Columbia Pictures and to make it for less than the estimated budget. According to Emmerich, the film was eventually produced for about $200 million.
Filming was originally scheduled to begin in Los Angeles, California, in July 2008, but instead commenced in Vancouver in August 2008 and concluded in January 2009. Due to the possible 2008 Screen Actors Guild strike, filmmakers set up a contingency plan for salvaging the film. Uncharted Territory, Digital Domain, Double Negative, Scanline, Sony Pictures Imageworks and others were hired to create visual effects for 2012. Thomas Wander co-wrote the score with Harald Kloser.
Although the film depicts the destruction of several major cultural and historical icons around the world, Emmerich stated that the Kaaba was also considered for selection. Kloser had reservations over including Mecca, saying he did not want a fatwā issued against him.
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Benefit of quitting smoking
After 20 minutes:
* Your blood pressure falls back towards normal.
* your pulse rate also tends to fall back to normal.
* Your hands and feet tend to warm up to normal.
After 8 hours:
* Carbon-monoxide in your blood stream drops towards normal.
* Oxygen levels increases toward normal in your system.
After 2 days:
* Your heart attack risk starts to decrease.
* Better level of taste and smell for you.
After 3 days:
* Your lung functions get better.
* Breathing is smoother.
* Walking becomes easier for you.
After 2 weeks to 3 months:
* Improved general circulation.
* Up to 30% better lung function.
After 6 months:
* Less coughing.
* More energy.
* Diminished shortness of breath.
* Reduced sinus congestion.
* Fewer infections.
In less than one year:
* Your risk of having an heart attack is cut in half from when you smoked.
After 10 years:
* Your risk of getting lung cancer is now cut in half from what it was when you smoked.
After 15 years:
* Your risk of having an heart attack is now the same as if you never smoked.
Those were the health benefits of quitting smoking. Here are now the social benefits.
Soon after you quit smoking you will have no more:
* Yellow teeth
* Brown and yellow stained fingers
* Bad breath
* Stinking clothes
* Smelly ashtrays
* Cigarette burned furniture
* Ashes in your car
* Stale air in your house and yellowed curtains
* Being sent to smoke outside
* Disapproval of loved ones
The financial benefits are obvious ($3000 to $5000 per year per smoker wasted).
You will have more money for:
* Education
* Mortgage
* Car payment
* Entertainment
* Holidays (We now travel to a foreign county ounce a year. Recently we went to Vietnam, St-Pierre & Miquelon, and Newfoundland)
* Etc.
Finally the most important benefit of quitting smoking:
* You will live a fuller and happier life, free from the slavery of nicotine. This is the way it has been for me.
* Your blood pressure falls back towards normal.
* your pulse rate also tends to fall back to normal.
* Your hands and feet tend to warm up to normal.
After 8 hours:
* Carbon-monoxide in your blood stream drops towards normal.
* Oxygen levels increases toward normal in your system.
After 2 days:
* Your heart attack risk starts to decrease.
* Better level of taste and smell for you.
After 3 days:
* Your lung functions get better.
* Breathing is smoother.
* Walking becomes easier for you.
After 2 weeks to 3 months:
* Improved general circulation.
* Up to 30% better lung function.
After 6 months:
* Less coughing.
* More energy.
* Diminished shortness of breath.
* Reduced sinus congestion.
* Fewer infections.
In less than one year:
* Your risk of having an heart attack is cut in half from when you smoked.
After 10 years:
* Your risk of getting lung cancer is now cut in half from what it was when you smoked.
After 15 years:
* Your risk of having an heart attack is now the same as if you never smoked.
Those were the health benefits of quitting smoking. Here are now the social benefits.
Soon after you quit smoking you will have no more:
* Yellow teeth
* Brown and yellow stained fingers
* Bad breath
* Stinking clothes
* Smelly ashtrays
* Cigarette burned furniture
* Ashes in your car
* Stale air in your house and yellowed curtains
* Being sent to smoke outside
* Disapproval of loved ones
The financial benefits are obvious ($3000 to $5000 per year per smoker wasted).
You will have more money for:
* Education
* Mortgage
* Car payment
* Entertainment
* Holidays (We now travel to a foreign county ounce a year. Recently we went to Vietnam, St-Pierre & Miquelon, and Newfoundland)
* Etc.
Finally the most important benefit of quitting smoking:
* You will live a fuller and happier life, free from the slavery of nicotine. This is the way it has been for me.